Why You Should Hire a Home Inspector for Your New Build Home
When it comes to purchasing a brand-new home, many buyers assume that it's flawless straight off the construction line. However, the reality is that even new builds can harbor hidden issues. While it may seem unnecessary to hire a home inspector for a new construction, there are compelling reasons to do so. Here's why getting your new build home inspected is a wise decision and the best approach to take. New Homes Can Have Problems Too: Although a new home may appear pristine, it doesn't mean it's free from defects or flaws. Without the experience of occupants, issues such as HVAC malfunctions or basement flooding during storms may go unnoticed. Unlike older homes where sellers are legally obligated to disclose known problems, new builds may have undiscovered issues waiting to be uncovered. Compliance with Building Codes Isn't Guaranteed: While county building inspectors aim to ensure that new construction meets minimum building codes, they may not catch e